Monday, December 10, 2012


As the light wanes and the days grow colder, the season of stillness returns.  It is the time to go quietly within and incubate the seeds of your heart’s desire, to cradle your hopes and dreams in the protected place of your inner stillness.  This place rests deep within the center of your consciousness, at the core of your being.  You can go there consciously by getting into a state of meditation or deep prayer.  If you don’t do it consciously, you will find that your mind goes there automatically to allow itself the period of inactivity that regains strength, clarity and energy.  It is necessary for health so it happens without conscious thought or intent, just like breathing or blinking your eyes.  You know you have been there when you “come to” from a daydream you can’t bring back or recall.  But why wait until your system has to close down and space out?  Why not, instead, take a moment here and there to rest your body/mind system before it gets overloaded and stressed out?  Here is one simple way:

Close your eyes and count your breaths for six breaths.  For those six breaths, do not allow anything into your mind except the tracking of your breaths.  As you breathe in, count “one.”  Keep that going, that “one,” for the whole in-breath and keep it going for the entire out-breath.  No thoughts but breathing “one.”  Then breathe “two,” etc.  You may find that you cannot even get through a breath or two without other thoughts breaking in.  As soon as you become aware that you are having a thought, just put it aside and begin to concentrate once again on your breathing.  Start from “one” again.  Don’t worry if you don’t make it to six, and don’t get upset.  The effort, alone, has benefit!  The more often you do this, the easier it gets to keep your concentration.  Once you can think of nothing but your breath for six breaths, you can increase it to ten, but you never have to go higher.  If you can get to ten with no other thought than your breath, you are definitely in a meditative state!

Since the beginning of time people all over the globe have honored the change of seasons.  Every season is a gift from the Creator and has its purpose.  Winter is the season for quiet.  The seed lies in the earth undisturbed.  Although it seems dormant, necessary changes are taking place for the seed to be able to shoot up in the Spring.  Interference during this sleep stage puts the seed at risk of never developing.  At this stage, cultivation means leaving it alone to develop in peace and quiet. 

When you correlate this idea to the “season” of the 21st Century human, Winter becomes a good time for developing your mind – studying, meditating, planning, letting new ideas gestate, clearing out closets or junk rooms and spaces to make room for new growth, and things of that nature.  It is a great time to develop your Chakras.  Chakras are wheels of light within the body, and Solstice heralds the return of the Light to the Earth.  The timing is perfect for bringing the light of your body into harmony with the light of the Earth.

If you are one who gets disheartened in the cold and dark of the winter months, remember that every season has its purpose.  Although there are real chemical and hormonal influences that may be helped by light, you can also elicit the help of your mind.  Remind yourself that the solstice, while being the longest night, also marks the return of the light.  You may want to ask yourself, “What do I do to stay connected to the light?  How do I prepare for its return in my life?”

 For some, it can cheer you up and help you stay positive to do something contemplative – meditation, Chakra development, a silent retreat, even writing a poem that celebrates the cultivation of the seed within the Earth and within yourself. 

If the idea of cultivating your Chakras interests you, please come join me at Bridge Between the Worlds this Saturday, December 15, from 10:00-5:30.  See the flyer on my website,, for more details about location and cost, and look for the next post for more information about Chakras.

I wish you a Merry Solstice.  May the Longest Night bring you closer to the Light!

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